Recycling must be placed inside the bin with the green lid in order to be collected. Recycling carts must be set out by 6 a.m. and removed from the curb within 24 hours of your scheduled collection. Recycling pick-up days are on Tuesday and Thursday every other week. The recycling collection route is divided into four areas of the City. Please see the recycling collection calendar and route map to determine your pick up day.
Do's and Don'ts
Make sure you are recycling properly by following the tips below:
- Make sure your recyclables are clean and dry. One dirty item can contaminate a whole truckload.
- Do not bag your recyclables. Plastic bags get caught in the machinery causing damage to the equipment and bundled items cannot be sorted at the facility and end up in a landfill.
- Mixed materials or connected items cannot be recycled as is even if each part is recyclable. For example, a plastic package with a cardboard or paper insert, separate the plastic from the different materials and place them in your bin individually.
- Know what items can and cannot be accepted through curbside recycling.
Visit recycling simplified for more tips and information on recycling.
Know What to Throw

Know what to throw
Accepted Items
- #1 plastics like water bottles, clear soda bottles and juice jugs
- #2 plastics like milk jugs, detergent bottles and shampoo bottles
- #5 plastics like yogurt cups, sour cream containers, and butter tubs
- vegetable and soup cans
- empty aerosol spray cans like hairspray, Lysol or room sprays
- drink cans like energy drinks, soda, etc.
- newspapers
- magazines and catalogs
- cardboard boxes
- flyers, letters, etc.
Unaccepted Items
- batteries
- glass bottles, jars, dishes or mirrors
- containers that contained motor oil, anti freeze, pool chemicals or hazardous waste
- Styrofoam
- light bulbs
- electronics
- plastic grocery bags, bags from dry cleaning or newspapers
Although these items cannot be recycled curbside, there are several stores that accept several of these items in our city.
- Walmart and Kroger have bins in their entryways to collect plastic grocery bags.
- Lowes accepts plastic bags, CFL bulbs, rechargeable batteries and cell phones. The garden center accepts plastic planter pots and cases.
- Battery Specialist takes car and power wheels batteries.
- Auto Zone recycles clean used motor oil and car batteries.
- Milano Metals and Recycling takes scrap metal, car and truck bodies, copper, aluminum and most kitchen appliances.
- CPR Cellphone Repair recycles cell phones, laptops, tablets and game consoles.